Ghost (Piccadilly Theatre) 21.09.2012

Ghost – a movie I’ve never seen before, just because I hate everything love-movie related. And then my friend comes along, totally starstruck about the musical, I keep seeing her talking about it on facebook, posting videos and songs, and as closer as we got to our London trip together, I decided to give it a shot. As I was almost sure I wouldn’t like it that much, I bought a cheap ticket – which turned out to be one of the worst ideas I’ve ever had. Not only did I get one of the last seats in the entire theatre, it was also the last row, far back up of the Piccadilly Theatre, and I actually have to use these tiny binoculars to see more than…well, almost nothing. Moreover, two giants were sitting right infront of me, shifting in their seats every now and then – woohoo.

Well, during the interval, I already regretted buying such a cheap ticket, because the voices were amazing – I had the luck to get Main Cast Molly & Sam, Siobhan Dillon & Mark Evans, and Carl was played by the great Paul Ayres, – and the actors were in general simply mindblowing. And I have to admit, at the end, the one or other tear left my eyes (yes, even such a cold-hearted, love-movie-hating person like me can cry). You can say what you want, but they made a great show out of that movie, and it’s really a shame that they shut it down after only one year. And with 6 months behind me since I’ve seen it, I have to admit, I regret that I only saw it one single time, because I learned to appreciate every single song and the entire show, and some of the songs have become one of my favourites (I can even recite “Suspend My Disbelief” from the Original London Cast Soundtrack by heart, word by word, and I LOVE it!).

Anyways, after the show, my friend and me went halfway round the back of the Piccadilly Theatre to get to the Stage Door, but we had to see that they had to shut it down, and for a moment I already panicked inside, because since my experience at the “Tarzan” Stage Door here in Germany, I couldn’t imagine seeing a Show without getting to a Stage Door afterwards. But then we went left around the Theatre, and we saw Sam Edwards, who played the understudy of Sam in the show, leaving through a big gate, and we knew that’s the place to wait for the Cast. A few minutes later, Paul Ayres came out, smaller than I thought, but absolutely nice and lovely. We spoke a few words, then got our pictures and he left (mine’s actually a but blurry, sadly, but not too bad).
And then, completely unexpected, Mark Evans already came out, and for a moment neither me nor my friend knew what to say, but we both knew we couldn’t just let him walk (I already hated myself for not seeing Sam Edwards earlier and got a picture with him). We walked up to him, and he was super cute and super nice, and when he asked us if we enjoyed the show, my friend of course said she loved it and that she can’t believe the show would be closing forever the next month. I told him that I saw the show for the first time, and that normally I hate love movies and everything love related, but that I really liked the show and especially the voices. And you could see and feel that Mark was really touched by our words, that he appreciated every little bit of them. We asked him for a picture, then thanked him, he thanked us for seeing the show, and then he was already gone (sadly, because I could’ve easily talked to him the entire night).

Then, Sharon D. Clarke came out, which was a totally funny situation, as with her bags she looked like someone who just came from grocery shopping 🙂 She, too, was totally nice, we took a quick picture and she left – that all didn’t last longer than two minutes. Later, when I was back home, I found out that once she was part of the Original Cast of “We Will Rock You”, and I thought about how perfect the role of the Killer Queen must have been for her.
Last but not least, we finally caught Siobhan Dillon. What can I say? WHAT A WOMAN! She’s so damn beautiful on stage, and in real life, she’s even more beautiful. Having the honour to sit in the audience, her voice simply blew me away, and since then, I still have the opinion that I’ve never heard a better voice in my life, and how perfect the Theatre is for her and her voice. She was super sweet and nice, and of course, we took a picture with her, too (after taking off our jackets, as we thought we couldn’t just look like shit in them, right beside such a beautiful person, haha 😀 ).
All in all, I have to say, I’m really glad I spent my money to watch that show, because now I understand the beauty of it, now I understand why my friend Kim loves it so much. And Mark & Siobhan were just mindblowing, they were perfect together, their voices were amazing and harmonized so great like not many I’ve heard, and I hope to have the honour to see them on stage again one day. DSCN2155

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