Ralf Schmitz Live 22.04.2012

Ralf Schmitz – a german comedian mostly known because of size (he’s so tiny it’s ridiculous, haha) and the fact that he seems always like he’s on drugs or something. He runs and hops hectically over the stage and everything goes so fast with him. But it was a hilarious night, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much and so hard in my entire life. After the show, he said that who’d like to, could come into the hall and grab an autograph and a pciture with him (of course, something he wouldn’t have to tell me (and Kim again 🙂 ) twice 😀
Sadly, the bodyguard who took my picture wasn’t a good photographer, so the pic turned out to be quite bad, because I’m standing so far behind, but still, it’s a lovely memory.
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