We Will Rock You – Colosseum Essen 14.06.2013

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And back again for my third time at the german version of “We Will Rock You”…and man, I can tell you, was I nervous! It would be the first time one of my friends finally joined me; she had neither read about the storyline nor the songs – NOTHING. And she had told me that she was expecting to NOT like it – yeah don’t make me feel too good here, will you?

Anyways, before the show started, I was literally bouncing in my seat, I was talking like the Niagara Falls, and the grin on my face must’ve been wide enough to include everyone in the room. Moreover, my favourite Galileo & Scaramouche were on again – Christopher Brose & Jeannine Michele Wacker, plus, I had talked to Andrea Sanchez Del Solar over the last couple of days and had gotten the confirmation that morning that she would be on as Ozzy again – perfect! When we reached the theatre, I already saw that I would also have yet another Killer Queen, my third one (Isabel Trinkaus, a german one finally *lol*) and another Bap, Stefan Müller-Ruppert. And I have to say, he wasn’t my fave, I just love Leon too much in that role, but he was great anyways. Just a little old man that you have to like, because he’s so cuddly 🙂

Of course, Jeannine & Chris killed it again. And due to an absolute amazing audience – it was almost like I was sitting at the Dominion in London; everyone was clapping and cheering and laughing at the right spots, etc., – every actor on stage that night really had a hard time. When it came to the part of the show where Galileo imitates Brit as he prepares to prove he’s the dreamer, where all these weird sounds and noises come out of his mouth and his movements are just hilarious, the entire room was giggling and laughing, and Chris seriously had to pull everything together to not burst out laughing on stage; I loved how the corner of his lips went up and at the same time, you could actually see him think: “No, stop it, you just can’t, stop it, will you?!” And everyone else on stage – Jeannine, Markus & Andrea, – turned their heads away from him, because otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to pull themselves together – loved it! I don’t know why, but it seemed to me that in that show, everyone was clicking so much better than anytime before, they had so much fun performing, singing and playing together, and it was a real family-like feeling.

Thankfully, I had yet some another wonderful memories that I will probably take to my grave with me one day *lol*:

1. Just after “Play The Game” was done, my friend, who I was so scared of looking at during the entire show, tapped me and just said 6 little words that completely made my night, if nothing else (in english, it’s 8 words, sorry^^): “This is so much more amazing than Tarzan!” Coming from her, with next to no expectations at all for “WWRY”, this meant the world to me. She was laughing and clapping the entire time and I just felt myself easing as the show went on, because I knew it had been the right decision to ask her to accompany me.

2. During “Who Wants To Live Forever”, almost at the end, when Galileo & Scaramouche stand on stage, Chris embracing Jeannine from behind, my friend pinched my arm hard, and when I looked at her, I knew she was LOVING it. She was loving the romance in that song, moreover, she loved the voices to pieces, and she thought it was beautiful. It sounds weird, but I felt so honoured she felt like it, almost as if it was me standing on stage and singing for her – she really loved what had become my life recently.

3. “We Will Rock You” – the moment that I’m always excited for the most – at least when I’m sitting right handed from the stage, close to the front. I knew that Scaramouche – Jeannine – would stand right infront of me, and my eyes were – pathetic, I know, now shut it – glued to her face the entire time when she started playing the guitar chords to the song. And in that moment were she really felt the song, looking into the audience to make sure everyone is stomping and clapping along with the music, – she spotted me in my seat, smiled and winked at me, and I hope to God my friend hasn’t seen the biggest grin growing on my face (that could make her jump to the wrong conclusions *lol*).

4. “We Are The Champions” – probably the one song of the show that I completely forget to give a shit about if I embarass myself infront of everyone in the audience. As I was singing every song along for the entire 3 hours, it was only natural to sing that one song along, too. As Chris sung the first few notes, I looked over to my friend, making a very clear gesture with my hand: palm upside, pushing them up and down again – I wanted her and me to be the first to give the Cast their deserved Standing Ovations. But my friend was too shy, and I sat there, staring at Chris singing and enjoying every bit of the song, and I just thought: “Fuck it!” and got up as the only person in the entire audience. Chris’ face instantly turned around to me, and he had the biggest grin ever on his face. He pointed with his left hand onto me, smiling, silently thanking and giving me an imaginative High Five with it, and again – the smile on my face must’ve looked ridiculous. I barely noticed everyone else standing up just after me, including my friend, who only seemed to have waited for me to be the first, because I was so focused on Chris and the others singing. I also noticed Jeannine looking over to me during that song, smiling, and she nodded at me, probably silently thanking me too, and I knew how much it meant to both of them and everyone on stage that I stood up and gave way for everyone else’s Standing Ovations.
Then something really heartbreaking happened: I was looking at Jeannine, suddenly realizing that she had gotten really emotional – she had started crying while still being on stage! Her eyes had started to go reddish, and I saw a few tears streaming down her face, and at one point, just before the first Curtain Call, she started shaking her head from one side to another to shake off her emotions and tears. It was really touching, and I myself had to pull myself together, fighting against the urge to run up on stage and hug this little person. And my thought was: “If she’s crying NOW, how is she going to survive the very last show in 16 days?!” Please don’t let me think about it. Seriously. Don’t.

6. Just before the very last Curtain Call, after “Bohemian Rhapsody”, everyone was coming up to the edge of the stage, taking their bows, waving and thanking the audience, and instead of Jeannine it was now Andrea who stood right infront of me; again, my eyes were glued to the front, trying to catch her eye, and as she was letting her view wander around in the room (and just before the Curtain fell down, seriously, couldn’t have been more than a few short seconds!), her eyes caught sight of me. The light of recognition flickered up in them, she started smiling widely and waved at me, and me, startled as I was, just realized in time what was happening to wave back at her – so surreal!

Well, after the show, right off to the Stage Door (with an old guy behind me saying “Oh, there’s someone who has to get her train”, as I shoved my way past him; yeah, sure, my TRAIN *lol*). There I was with my friend, and we both were the only ones waiting (I’m so glad I wasn’t there alone, as I had always had at least ONE person to be there to take my pictures and all!). It actually felt like hours until Andrea finally came out as one of the last ones (or at least one of the last/only ones I did recognize). Still walking through the corridor, when she spotted me, I saw the biggest smile on her face as she came up to me. She pulled me into her arms, hugging me, shaking my friend’s hand and when we three talked it was like I knew her for years, which was so surreal, considering this was the first time I saw her face to face, talked to her. She was so nice and patient, and I told her how happy I was that she had been on that night, that I was glad I had had the luck to come to the show just when Anna Lidman (First Cast Ozzy) had become sick – though of course, this doesn’t mean I wish her any bad! You just have your favourites, right? Sadly, Andrea didn’t know if she’d be on the next friday, when I would be back, but I said that I’ll cross my fingers for that, because I just loved her performance again. Before she had to leave to pick up her boyfriend, we took a quick picture (with the amazing Robert Lindemann in the background, such an amazing guitar hero 😉 )- which I love to pieces, seriously, – she hugged me and my friend again and left. Words can express how much I adore this little person!

While I was talking to Andrea, I saw Chris coming out, and scared of missing out on him (he looked like he was actually about to leave immediately), I shouted “Chris, could you wait for a few minutes?”. Seriously, it came to me after that, that I did that each of the 3 times I’ve been at the show now; I’m ALWAYS talking to someone else from the Cast when he comes out, and I ALWAYS have to ask him to wait for me – this is becoming kind of a running gag, haha! When he came up to me, he smiled and pulled me into his arm, hugged me, and I told him that I was now back earlier than I had told him last time, and I somehow managed not so squeak when he remembered that I had said that on his facebook Fan Page a few hours earlier. I then asked him for the Autograph Card he had promised to bring me on June, 21st, and he actually had them in his backpack. While he was rummaging inside of it, he made my night even more by asking “For whom have you been asking again for the Autograph?” and inside I was like: “Uhm…what…? Uhm…me?” When I told him that, he laughed, said “Oh, alright!” and gave me and my friend each one, saying that after the last time I had seen him, he had gone up and started writing all the Autographs. SO sweet of him, isn’t it? We took a quick picture, which was funny, as my friend had some issues with the flash on my camera and when the first pic did turn out all blurry and bad, she blurted out: “Let’s take another one, Chris, you don’t look good on this one!” and Chris was like: “What? Me?” I laughed out loud and felt a slighlty bit embarassed telling him that he always looks good indeed, but I think he already had understood that she had just made a joke. I told him my goodbyes until the next week and he went off talking with some other fans he knew.

Then finally, it was time for Jeannine, whom I have seen coming out, and she had almost left, but I asked her to wait for me shortly; during my talk with Chris, I had seen her talking to some other people, pointing at me as to say “That one’s waiting for me, too” before coming up to me and hugging me tight. I noticed she was in a hurry, but she was still so patient and nice, and I told her that I had seen her crying on stage, and that I had told myself the same time to NOT starty crying myself, because that normally happens when I see anybody cry infront of me. She laughed and said that it was going up straight to the end, that it gets more and more emotional, and when I told her that next week she just can’t cry or I have to bring her some handkerchiefs, the laughed. Sadly, as she had to catch her train, there was not more time to talk to her, but she still took her time so I could take my picture with her.

After that, my friend and me waited for a few more minutes, because I wanted to talk to Isabel, but as I almost knew she probably had been walking past me (because I just don’t recognize her without all her KQ Make-Up), we decided to go home – with my new Autograph Card AND a brand-new WWRY T-Shirt (that I had bought during the Interval) in my bag! 🙂
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