Rock Of Ages – Garrick Theatre 24.07.2013

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Exactly 305 days after my very first visit of the show just before the Cast Change at the Shaftesbury Theatre, I was finally back on the Strip. And this time, as it was my birthday, which maybe gives you an impression of how special this one was for me.

I met up for Dinner with Alison & Sarah at 3pm outside the Garrick so we would have enough time to eat and see the actors at the Stage Door just before they went inside. I wasn’t nervous at all at that point – finally seeing “my” boy Simon Lipkin again after over 6 months (and talking to him after 305 days) seemed so far away for me. As I knew the girls had bought some presents for Ross Hunter (who’s birthday it had been a few weeks earlier) for Tim Driesen (who would be leaving for his engagement in “Jersey Boys” in Amsterdam a few days later), and for Nathan Amzi (who’s birthday it was on that day, too!), I had decided I couldn’t just show up with nothing, so I had bought Simon a small green keychain that said “Keep Calm Simon” and a package of Wispa chocolate, which I knew he loved to death (and which melted completely hours before I gave it to him *lol*). Just as we were waiting at the Stage Door, I noticed that I seriously needed a toilet – a dead sure sign that I started to get nervous. I knew I would only take a back seat beside Alison and Sarah, as they knew the Cast and they knew them, but that didn’t really help soothing my nerves; I was talking way too much. Some people were coming in and out, Cordelia Farnworth, Sandy Moffat, Carly Mercedes Dyer, Grant Anthony, Rachel McFarlane…and then there was Tim Howard coming up towards us from the other side of the road. He smiled widely as he saw Alison and Sarah, giving them both huge hugs, and when he saw me, reached out his hand to me, introducing himself with “I’m Tim, nice to meet you!”, and giving me a slight kiss on the right cheek, which was so surreal I was actually pretty tempted to burst out “Yeah, I know who you are, how couldn’t I?” πŸ˜€ He chatted away with us, and I have to say : that moment he told me his name, I was already in love with him. He turned out to be one of the nicest, kindest, funniest people I have ever met in my entire life. It was like we all knew each other for a long time, no sign of the fact that he’s an actor and we’re “just” fans. We all took a picture with him, then he had to go inside and we were just standing there taking pictures of each other infront of the Theatre, when after a few minutes, the Stage Door flew open, and Tim was standing there, staring at us blankly with his eyes wide open, a shocked glare inside of them, shouting “It’s Nathan’s birthday today, I need to get a present!” We grinned at him, and I blurted out “It’s my birthday, too!” and he repeated “It’s your birthday, too?!”, then pulled me into his arms, giving me a huge kiss on the cheek, hugging me and wishing me a Happy Birthday, then rushed off – it was damn hilarious, and only made me love him more (especially considering the fact that he had tweeted Nathan earlier that day, wishing him a Happy Birthday, so he knew but still made a fool of himself for us).
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After that, only a few minutes after he had left, the door went open right behind us – andΒ Simon Lipkin &Β  Jodie Jacbobs were standing infront of us (they had come just as we had been talking to Tim, but had to rush in for an interview) – I think I don’t need to tell anybody how fast my heart was racing, how my legs were all wobbly, feeling like jelly. Both of them were telling us that they wanted to get something for Nathan, too, so we told them that Tim had just rushed off in panic to do the same, and somehow, Alison ended up telling Simon that it was my birthday, too. He looked at me, saying “Oh, it’s your birthday, too? Happy Birthday!” and before I knew what was happening, he was pulling me into his arms and giving me a birthday hug. It’s actually a surprise I didn’t die right there and then, but for that the hug probably wasn’t long enough *lol* Sarah then signified me that I should give my little presents to him, and I pulled the keychain and the package of Wispa out my bag, feeling the chocolate being a big plate of soft…something. I told him it was nothing special, just a little something, but I could instantly see that he appreciated the gifts: he pulled out his own keys, putting my keychain on it right away, and when he saw the chocolate, his eyes grew all big like a little boy’s, and he shouted out “I fucking love Wispas!” (I didn’t hear that part, as I was staring at him while he said that to Jodie, but Alison told me later *lol*).Β  After that, both Simon and Jodie had to get inside, and suddenly, Tim came back, holding up a bag and telling us he had found something. We laughed, and before we knew what was happening, he pulled out his IPhone, turning it around and told us to get together, because he wanted to take a picture with all three of us on his phone – that man is SUCH a wonderful person!
This all was actually overstimulation, because just after Tim had gone inside, Ross Hunter showed up – and he took my breath away. For God’s Sake, people have told me he was cute and nice, and I knew from pictures that he was indeed, but holy crap, no one prepared me that he was THAT good-looking and just dropdead gorgeous!!! Sarah and Alison both gave him their present, and he was so cute about it, thanking them over and over, telling us that he would post a pic of it on twitter as soon as he was in his dressing room (which he actually did, just 2 minutes later). He hugged us all, gave us kisses on the cheek and went inside. I think I was already head over heels for him at that point.
Next one to arrive was Tim Driesen, and he smells SO good, I can’t even. We chatted for a few minutes, he got his farewell gift (a cheeky London bag with all stuff London-related, so he won’t forget his time there), and he hugged all of us to thank us – though I told him that the present wasn’t even from me. Such a nice and lovely young man!
Then it got a bit difficult, as it was already pretty late, and Nathan Amzi hadn’t arrived yet – which, according to the girls, wasn’t normal. We were talking about him maybe being sick or having a day off on short notice, but Sarah kept assuring Alison that he had tweeted the entire day “See you tonight” to the other Cast members, and no one actually had the guts to go inside and look for the Cast list for the evening, too scared to see Nathan was off (it was so hard to see Alison’s mood drop to zero degrees the later it got; at that moment, I wish I wasn’t so goddamn cold and reserved with others and would’ve just been able to give her a comforting hug -.-). At some point, I just went in, and the Cast list was hanging there, and I was pretty relieved when I saw that no one else was playing the Mayor, which meant that Nathan HAD to be on, and after Alison had went inside herself, coming out, smiling from one ear to another, the world was saved πŸ™‚
Especially when a few moments later, Nathan finally showed up. He gave the girls a huge hug,Β  and I just went for it and hugged him, too, wishing him a Happy Birthday; Sarah then told him that he and me were sharing the same day, and when he realized that it was my birthday, too, he wished me a Happy Birthday, too, giving me a High Five. It was weird standing beside him, because he seemed so shy to me (which probably was only because he saw me for the first time), but I could catch a glimpse of what a nice person he is.

Time flew by and before I noticed, we were in the foyer of the Garrick, I bought a Souvenir Brochure (that famous one *lol*), a -T-Shirt (that I seriously love to bits) and a Keychain. It was surreal when I was sitting in my seat, as it had been way too long since I had seen the show, never had seen the new Cast, noticing the stage was way higher than the one at the Shaftesbury…but I had a perfect and clear view of the Stage – aka Simon. The girls kept telling me that he would definitely pull something off with me as he knew it was my birthday, but although I really hoped for him lunging at me or anything, I didn’t really expect anything; Alison and Sarah were sitting right infront of me, and as all the actors knew them by heart, it was just natural they would be the ones in focus…well, let’s say, in the end, it went not as I expected πŸ˜‰

As the show started, the music blaring out of the speakers, I was waiting for Simon’s first appearance as Lonny on stage, bursting out of the Bourbon Room door (a few seconds before he did, Sarah turned around to me to indicate he’s coming now, and I was all like “I know *lol*”). As he did, I finally felt home again; my whole body was covered in goosebumps, as from the last time, I knew the entire show by heart, the things they say and do (though there are always some slight differences, which I love), I felt like standing up and starting to dance along. The feelings that rushed through me for the duration of that show, I cannot even begin to describe them. Simon was at his best again, Ross was blowing me away, he was so absolutely fantastic, I really hadn’t expected that. Cordelia as Sherrie was really cute and her voice is amazing, too. She and Ross harmonized so well, and they were such a cute couple on stage, especially during “High Enough”; I loved their performance together, with that song being one of my favourites from the show. Who impressed me the most – surprise! – was Tim Howar. Holy shit, the role of Stacee Jaxx is seriously perfect for him, it’s like he’s born for that role. His voice…whoa. I loved Shayne Ward as Stacee in his entirety when I had seen him last year, and I actually didn’t think I could be more impressed by any other guy in that role – but Tim blew me away. And that is probably a real understatement. I loved watching his acting and listening to his singing; there was no doubt he loved that role, and that he enjoyed every bit of his time on that stage. I think it’s pretty safe to say he was flawless in every way.

During the show, there were more than a few moments that Simon looked at Sarah and Alison from the stage, and he actually lunged at Sarah from the stage right at the beginning – she couldn’t believe it even days after πŸ˜€ At that point, with them cheering way louder than me (which had a really tempting and contagious effect on me πŸ˜‰ ), of course drawing the actors attention in their direction, I had given up hope I’d get my shot at being lunged at by Simon though there were more than a few stares from him to me from the stage, more than a few looks, and I think I always grinned like a complete idiot up to him, like an actual retard, but I had no control over any of my body functions at that point anymore πŸ™‚

Then there was the end of Act 1. The part were they all sing “Here I Go Again” together. The part were after the lights go out for a second and being turned on again, Lonny (Simon) shouts out “Yeeees!!! We did it!!! JAZZ HANDS!!”. The part were just before they all leave the stage for the break, Simon points at one girl in the middle of the first or second row, saying “You, my dressing room, two minutes!”.

And this time, it was me he was pointing at.

I grinned up to him like a fool, giving him a thumbs up, and Alison rushed outside, just to tweet him “Watch out @simonlipkin, @teamcarmichal is already half way to your dressing room ;)xx”. I think my day was made and I could already die happily then. (I did tell you I love you for that, didn’t I, Alison?? πŸ˜‰ ) The rest of the show went by like a dream, was over way too fast, but I enjoyed every last second of it to the fullest. Way too soon, Alison, Sarah and me were standing at the Stage Door, waiting for everyone to come out. It was quite crowded, which I didn’t expect on a work day, but it just showed how loved they all were, and it made me happy to see all the appreciation. We took our pictures with the ones that we could actually get a hold of – Ross, Sandy, Simon, Tim D., Jodie & Nathan (including an absolutely hilarious test picture of Ross with Sarah clinging onto him, both giving me a thumbs up *lol), got a few autographs and chatted away, and also, we all got many huge hugs and kisses on the cheek from Tim Driesen, Tim Howar & Ross Hunter. Tim H. actually said “It was so lovely to meet you!”, which was the cutest thing ever, and when Nathan Amzi came out, he kept staring at me, and I honestly felt a bit weird and watched (I can’t cope with people staring at me like that, I always feel like some kind of fresh meat in a refrigerated counter or like I have some embarassing pimple or anything else in my face), when suddenly, I saw him looking at my neckline! All I could think of was “Uhm…hello?! I’m not Alison, you belong to her, don’t look at me like that, my friend!”…only to then hear him saying “You have some glitter there!” πŸ˜€ That was the rest I needed to have this night being absolutely wonderful and amazing (apart from the fact that the most important pic – the one with Simon,- got fucking blurry, due to me not being able to use the automatic function at my new SLR Camera; but I’ve fixed it myself a bit and I’ll DEFINITELY going to get a better one in September!). I can only thank everyone involved for my absolutely beautiful birthday, especially Alison & Sarah, without whom it wouldn’t have turned out so amazing ❀
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We Will Rock You – Dominion Theatre 23.07.2013

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Third time for me at the Dominion, and I would finally see Ross Aldred as Brit for the first time and Emma Hatton again for the 2nd time, which I had been hoping since the day I had booked my ticket.

Before I went inside, I was pretty nervous, as this would be the first time I would finally be meeting two girls I knew from twitter, Alison & Sarah. Therefor I went to my seat pretty late, and as I was approaching it, I could already make out Alison’s red hair – it’s too bright to not notice πŸ˜€ I went up to both of them, and when they saw me, it was like we knew each other for a long time, as if this wouldn’t be the first time we met. We hugged, chatted away, and I was so relieved when I realized I haven’t forgotten my english, which I use to whenever I have to talk to native british inheritans *lol* Sarah told me I had the best seat when it came to Oliver Tompsett’s performance, as he would fall down on his knees right infront of him, and I assured her he would still be his, no matter what ^^

Then the show started, and what can I say: it was flawless. Ross was simply amazing as Brit; I was honestly really happy I finally had someone in that role who’s accent I could understand properly, as I always had difficulties understanding Wayne Robinson. Moreover, Ross’ voice was wonderful to listen to, and he and Rachel John were SO good together, I can’t even. I don’t think I have to say anything about Rachel’s perfomance; she blew me away again, and already at the first few notes of “(No-One But You) Only The Good Die Young”, she completely got to me, and I had no control at all over the tears that were flowing out of my eyes like they were leaking. She was so absolutely wonderful again, and I can’t think of anybody who ever had that kind of impact with singing that song like she had and always has. Oliver Tompsett was as flawless as he always is; seriously, there is never even the slightest negative thing I can say about his performance. Every single note is perfect and gives me the strongest goosebumps, whenever he sings, it goes right into my heart and touches me deeply inside, no matter what song he is singing. And his acting and stupid little dancing is both breathtaking and hilarious. I really wish he could do that role forever, he definitely deserves it. Oh, and Emma Hatton…that lovely little woman! She was mindblowing, and she has improved SO much since the last time I had seen her. Her voice has definitely got even better than it already was, and those high notes she hits during “Somebody To Love”…holy shit, what a talent! I loved that I finally got to see her again, as she always had that special place in my heart for being my very 1st Scaramouche at the Dominion. Also, I caught myself more than once looking for Scott Monello on stage, who was part of the ensemble that night, and I always started smiling like an idiot when I made him out πŸ˜€

One thing about the show was a bit…weird for me, though. There was this moment just when “We Will Rock You” started…you have to know, from the 7 german performances I had been to just a month before, I was used to give the Cast full Standing Ovations from “We Will Rock You” to “Bohemian Rhapsody”. So of course, when the first few notes began, I was jumping out of my seat, clapping, and Oliver looked over to me, winked at me and nodded, all smiling. But when I noticed that I was the only one standing, I felt pretty weird and sat down again (which I honestly thought was pretty sad, as all the Cast deserves Standing Ovations so much!). During “We Are The Champions”, I sneaked out of my seat over to Alison and Sarah, squeezed myself right into their seats when I realized I wouldn’t be convincing enough to get them to stand up with me *lol* But Oli actually noticed all three of us anyways, as we were the ones cheering the loudest and longest, and seeing his happy and smiling and appreciative face was absolutely wonderful.

After the show,Β  we went round to the Stage Door, and we weren’t even there for more than 2 minutes when Oliver already came out. We chatted away, took pictures, and I finally gave him the small present I had brought for him, his wife Michelle and Baby George. He smiled, thanked and hugged me and sadly had to leave way to early…but I think I could start to fall for him, too *lol* (Sorry, Sarah :D)
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After that, we caught some of the others – Emma Hatton (finally!!!), Rachel John, Ross Aldred & John McLarnon (I actually can’t believe I missed my beloved Scott, my very 1st Galileo at the Dominion, who was rushing off and too far away when I noticed he was out), – whom we got Autographs from and chatted away with. My camera was a total screw-up, with its setting being put on “manual”, which meant I had to focus and sharpen the pics by hand…resulting in test shots before the actual pictures. I hated it, but it got me a nice picture of Ross & Rachel, so I guess that’s okay πŸ˜‰
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It was a wonderful night, and I’m so glad that I finally met Alison and Sarah, who actually were one of the main reasons why this night (and the following day) were absolutely perfect and wonderful, and for that I will always be grateful ❀