We Will Rock You – Dominion Theatre 20.09.2013

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Back at the Heartbreak Hotel for Sarah’s birthday show – and by the end of that day, I would’ve been laughing harder than I had in a long time! I was supposed to pick her and her mother up at the Garrick – she had been at “Rock Of Ages” for the Matinee, too – so I rushed there after arriving at St. Pancras, just in time for the end of the show. We ended up taking pictures with some of the actors – Dylan Turner, Sandy Moffatt, and, unexpectedly, Cameron Sharp, who had his very first Joey Primo show that day due to the fact that they were short on people and he had to come in 10 days earlier than planned after only 4 days of rehearsals! And still, he appeared like he had been on the Cast forever, feeling like he already belonged to that RoAdie family for years!
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So after we took our pictures and chatted away with Cam, we went straight for the Dominion, where we would meet up with Alison; Sarah was wearing HUGE badges on her shirt saying “Birthday Girl” all over her breasts – a fact that would leave us breathless by the end of the night. The show itself was absolutely brilliant, as always. We had the entire First Cast on that day, and our Seats just in Row A, right infront of the stage, were absolutely perfect. Of course, when Oliver Tompsett finished his “I Want To Break Free”, we were all three screaming at the top of our lungs, and also, screaming for Rachael Wooding as Scara that night was a must – I somehow had forgotten how absolutely amazing her voice and performance is. Of course, Rachel John as Meat again left me completely in tears when she sang “(No-One But You) Only The Good Die Young”….that woman is the only one having the power to completely break me everytime I hear her voice. Plus, who really impressed me that night – Wayne Robinson. I knew his Brit, and honestly, I always had issues understanding his accent and thought that right next to Rachel’s powerful voice, his own voice always sounded a bit…silent, not to say a bit weak. But that night, he was absolutely on fire, and I was taken aback by how much he had improved over the last 8 months since I had seen him. His vocals were loud and deep, and it was exactly what I imagined Brit to sound like. Safe to say he was absolutely flawless.
At the end of the show, when they were all getting their well-deserved applause and Standing Ovations, there was this moment when Kevin Kennedy (who played Pop that night) ran over from the left-handed side of the stage to the right one, glancing at Sarah, who’s huge birthday badges were all glittery, and he grinned at her, shouting “Happy Birthday!” – it was hilarious. And when we went back around to the Stage Door, waiting for everyone to come out, we were already laughing about it and not thinking of anything bad when suddenly, one of the Band Members came out the door, staring at Sarah and saying “We were wondering what they were! Biscuits maybe!”. He left with us laughing, screaming at the top of our lungs, gasping for air; these things must’ve definitely shone from the Stalls up to the stage, so it was no surprise they had irritated them!
When Rachel John came out, she was seeing us grinning and still laughing, and I told her about the Band, which left her all like “WHAT? That is so not appropriate, they should seriously focus on their texts! That is so wrong! I looked at them too, but of course, in a completely different, loving way!” Oh that woman is so lovely….and it was hard to see Sarah saying her final Goodbyes to her, as Rachel would be leaving on Cast Change day 2 weeks later and Sarah wouldn’t be there.
Then Rachael Wooding & Katie Paine came out together, and you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for seeing both of them again, talking to them and getting a picture (as Katie always rushes off afterwards). When Katie saw us, she gave Sarah & Alison a hug, and she introduced herself to me with “Hi, I’m Katie!” and I went to tell her that I knew that, that I had been the girl who had sent her the fan letter 5 months earlier, and she smiled widely, saying her Thank You. Unfortunately, they both had to rush off, but as I asked Rachael for a pic, she stopped for a short moment, standing between Sarah and her mom…then rushed off after I took the pic, and I was like “Uhm…it was actually ME who wanted the picture…?” It was weird, but I knew I would be seeing her two weeks later, so I got over it.
Then FINALLY, Oliver Tompsett came out, greeting us all with a wonderful smile and a huge hug for each of us, and his stare went right down to Sarah’s breasts, to these huge badges she wore for her birthday, and he completely cracked us up by grinning like a school boy, saying “What nice big badges you have there!” – priceless, absolutely priceless. If there was any more reason I needed to love this man to bits, it was that moment. Nothing’s more lovable than a man who can truly make you laugh 🙂
And then, the most beautiful thing happened, the thing I had waited for for over a year. While we were talking to Oli, taking pictures and all, Scott Monello came out. You need to know, he had been my very 1st Galileo at the Dominion back on September, 20th, 2012, when I first came to London, and ever since, I had adored him, wanting to meet him and all, but never got around to it because he always rushed off after the show. So I had told Alison & Sarah in advance that no matter what, we just HAD to catch him at the Stage Door, as I knew, he, too, would be leaving on Cast Change day, and it would just crush me not ever having the chance to tell him how amazing I thought he is. I still remember during the show that night, I had done nothing but always staring at him the entire time whenever he showed up on stage as one of the GaGa Kids.
Thankfully, Alison was standing close to the door, and when Scott came out, she shouted for him, and when I heard his name, I thought I must have stopped midsentence to Oli, seeing Scott standing there. I went over, and I don’t even know what I said, but I remember telling him he had been my very first Galileo and that he always was my favourite, though I never got to see him more than that one time. He was so lovely, smiled all the time, and I saw that he really appreciated what I told him. Of course, I must have been the happiest person alive when I asked him for a picture, he said “Of course” and I was standing there, in his arms, smiling like the biggest idiot on the planet! Alison said afterwards that it was a beautiful picture and you could actually see how really really happy I had been, and I have to agree: I love the picture, and I still smile like a fool when I look at it 🙂
After such a wonderful and eventful night, I was heading back to my hostel, as it would be a double “Rock Of Ages” show the day after – and I was seriously more than excited to be back on the Strip!

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