5 Reasons why Leonardo DiCaprio deserves an Oscar

After having seen “The Wolf Of Wall Street” and once again being blown away by Leonardo’s outstanding acting talent and performance, I decided to do what has been long overdue – at least in my opinion. Let’s go (Please note: everything I say in here is totally MY opinion and it does NOT reflect the general opinion):

1. His Age
Leo started acting when he was only 19 years old. At this age, a lot of people don’t even know yet what they want to do with their life, yet he knew exactly who he wanted to be. He started to become a shooting star in the big world of Hollywood, and unlike a lot of his acting colleagues (like Macaulay Culkin or Drew Barrymore, to only name two) who became famous even earlier in their lifes, Leonardo never struggled with drugs or alcohol problems. And no matter how many movies were added to his filmography, no matter how many nominations for academy awards he got, he has always been down to earth – and I am not scared to put it out there that one of the reasons for that is probably the german blood in his veins, his grandmother in Germany who always kept him on his two feet.
Gilbert Grape

2. His Variability
Whether as the son of an abusive father, a mentally handicapped young man, a penniless nobody, a soldier in a war-torn country, a delusional former police officer, an undercover agent, a family father who’s lost touch to reality, an adolescent fraud, a ruthless slave driver or a drug-addicted, multi-million dollar broker – there seems nothing that Leo can’t do, there seems no role that he isn’t capable to play. And no matter who he represents on screen: he always does it with total commitment to his job – something that the audience can easily pick on.
Titanic BloodDiamond ShutterIsland- InceptionCatchMeIfYouCanRevolutionary Road DjangoUnchained The Great Gatsby WolfOfWallStreet

3. His facial expressions
There are barely any actors out there nowadays who have managed to pull off all the different emotions a movie or series character can go through with such perfection as Leo has. He can easily switch from a love-stricken man to a person in such rage that I could not blame anybody if he’d scare them to death. Again, Leo seems to have perfected how to pull off the movements and facial expressions of a drug-addicted person as much as a sad, destroyed person who has just lost everything that kept him going. Sue me, but there has been more than one occasion where I watched him in certain scenes and just wanted to go over and hug him. (Picture credit to someone on the internet who made these three)
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4.His Hotness Level
Yes, you have heard right. I mean….just look at him! Back then, when he had his breakthrough with “Titanic”, when everyone was swooning over how cute his smile was, how good-looking he was…I have to admit, it was true, though I haven’t been attracted to him so much as I am today. Leo is one of the examples that men age with dignity and get more good-looking the older they get. He’s turning 40 this year, but hell, I don’t think he has ever looked as perfect as he does nowadays. You can see his life and his age and all of his roles in his face, and still, it doesn’t make him less attractive at all. George Clooney who?
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5. He just deserves a damn Academy Award!
He really does. I don’t think any actor has ever been so underrated as he is. Seriously. I think he himself has stopped counting the many times he has been nominated for either a Golden Globe or an Oscar without being fully appreciated by winning one. As I said at the beginning: THIS ALL IS TOTALLY MY OWN OPINION. Me, personally, I am happy to no end he won a Golden Globe for “Wolf Of Wall Street”, because he was outstanding in it. And I think it’s time he finally gets his well-deserved Oscar. No other actor – for me – has so many facets as he does. And yes,  I will probably cry like a little baby on March 3rd, 2014 when he hopefully gets that little golden boy. My fingers will be crossed hard until there’s no blood left in them.