Playing Our Part – The West End Sings For Target Ovarian Cancer – Cadogan Hall 18.05.2014

This was something I hadn’t originally planned to do when I was down in London for the weekend. But then my friend Sigal told me about it, and on very short notice, I decided to accompany her and my other friend, Noor, after all. And yes, I am beyond glad I did.

I have to admit, when I checked the website for this concert in the beautiful Cadogan Hall, I barely knew any of the actors that were supposed to be on that stage; only a few names had I heard before or seen on a stage myself – Simon Bailey, Siubhan Harrison, Geronimo Rauch, Killian Donnelly & Nadim Naaman,- but apart from them, none of the other names (Olivia Brereton, Gillian Budd, Wendy Ferguson, Celia Graham, Christopher Howell, Laura Pitt-Pulford, Jeremy Secomb, Shona White & Chris Holland) rang any bell. It was a good thing, of course, because therefor, I had nothing to expect, and couldn’t be disappointed, if that would’ve happened.

When the concert started, Nadim made a small speech about the reason for the concert, the cause, and it was really bringing me to tears to hear him talking about his own experiences with this horrible illness in his family. He soon let the music speak for itself, and already the first number, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, sung by Christopher Howell and the other guys, was simply breathtaking. It seemed to me that they had never done anything else than singing with each other, and it was beautiful. There were quite a lot songs that I had never heard of, but there were also a few that at least I had heard by accident without knowing where they were from, or songs I had heard in a theatre myself. My favourite of all songs was probably “(No-One But You) Only The Good Die Young”, sung by the beautiful Siubhan Harrison. I admit, it was far too early for me to hear that song again, as just the night before, I had experienced this song in my last ever “We Will Rock You” show, but it’s safe to say that Siubhan killed the song. It was one of the most wonderful things I have ever heard, and each and every single note she sang was beyond flawless. Since I had last seen her in “From Here To Eternity” back in September 2013, she has definitely improved her voice even more.

Another favourite that night was probably “You Ain’t Never Had A Friend Like Me”, sung by Christopher Howell. I had no idea who he was before the concert, he didn’t look familiar or anything, but boy, I adored him. When the song started, something about it rang a bell inside my head, but it was just at the last few seconds of it that I realized it was the song from “Aladdin”, that the Genie sings! Chris did so unbelievably well, his facial expressions, his movements, his little dances, it was amazing, and I could actually picture him in the role of the Genie, in case “Aladdin” will ever make it to the West End (and safe to say that if he does, I will so go and see him in it!).

Another highlight forme also was the performance of Simon Bailey & Celia Graham singing “All I Ask Of You” from “Phantom Of The Opera” (which he later, at the Stage Door, told us, wasn’t even planned to be happening, but oh my, am I glad it did!). I have never seen the show myself, only the movie (mostly because I am not really sure I’d like it, as it’s not my kind of show, and wouldn’t want to waste my money on it), but of course I knew the song. I always thought it was a beautiful one when I heard it in in the movie, but seeing it on stage, with two actors with absolutely breathtaking voices who had formerly even been on the show in the West End themselves…just wow. They blew me away, and I almost pictured them together on the stage of the Her Majesty’s Theatre. Just wow, and something I will forever cherish in my memory of that night.

The most touching thing for me apart from the forementioned was when Shona White & Gillian Budd sang “For Good” from “Wicked” together. Now, I have booked a ticket to see that show for the first time in July, and originally, I had planned to not listen to any of the songs, just to not expect too much or being disappointed beforehand. Before the song started, I read in the actor’s biography in the programme that Shona had been in “Wicked” once herself, so seeing her being part of this song was extra-special to her. When I heard both of them singing with each other, I was deeply touched. Gillian looked at Shona as if they were on a real musical stage, and from where I was sat, I could see that her eyes were shining – she had tears in them. Just as Shona, who was completely into tears when they had finished the song – she was sitting in her chair, touching her eyes, wiping under them over and over because she couldn’t stop crying, and I was close to throw some handkerchiefs up to her. Their performance was breathtaking, and the vocals both of them had – just WOW. They showed everyone in that room their massive talent, and thanks to them, I am now really excited for my very first “Wicked” show.

Everyone on that stage was so damn talented, I can’t even describe it. Wendy Ferguson, who currently playes Madame Thenardier in “Les Misérables”, has the biggest and best Opera Voice I ever had the pleasure to listen to during “You’ll Never Walk Alone” from “Carousel”, and of course she got an extra applause from the audience, just as Killian Donnelly after singing “”Fix You” by Coldplay (I totally despise Coldplay and any of their songs, especially this one, but he did very very well, much better than Chris Martin).

Final conclusion is that I am really really glad I had decided to join my lovely friends Sigal & Noor that night. Not only because of the beautiful and stunning voices on stage, but also because it was all for a great cause, and knowing that me buying my ticket and the programme helped that cause is the most beautiful thing ever. Plus, the fact that I finally met the gorgeous young man that is Simon Bailey (who apologized to me for missing out on “I Can’t Sing” on my birthday) made it all even more worth it.