The West End Life

A week ago, my 17th trip to London since 2012 was finally happening – 10 months after booking three tickets to three different, new shows on the West End. And it may have easily been one of the best trips I ever made down there, with each show outdoing the one before, and to me, personally, maybe the three best Casts that are currently working in theatre on the West End.

But let’s take things one at a time.

1. “Come From Away” – Phoenix Theatre 11.12.2019

Thankfully for me, I didn’t read anything about the storyline beforehand – the shock/surprise was bigger that way, which I love about theatre. Originally, I was under the impression that this show was about refugees stuck on an island after escaping some terror or something; but after about 15mins in, I realized it was actually a story about the day when 38 planes on their way into U.S. territory were diverted to the town of Gander, Newfoundland, on 11th of September 2001 – the day two terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Center.
It’s hard to find words to describe this show – despite the obvious difficult subject, Christopher Ashley has managed to turn it into something equally heartwarming, touching and entertaining. The Cast is amazing, considering each of them has to play at least 2 or 3 different characters during the one and a half hours on stage (without any interval), the songs are chosen perfectly for all scenes (especially “Screech In” got me smiling from ear to ear and bobbing my foot up and down), and which was the most wonderful thing to me is that you can see throughout the entire show that every member of the Ensemble deeply enjoys this show, that they’re in it with all their heart, and that they have nothing but fun bringing this great piece of theatre and music to the audience. The Standing Ovations going on for several minutes, even as only the band was on stage after the actors left it are practically speaking for itself. So do its 4 Olivier Award wins, by the way.

2. “& Juliet” – Shaftesbury Theatre 12.12.2019

Now this show I was something I had been going completely blind into – if you ignore the fact I knew all the songs beforehand, as it’s a Jukebox Musical where existing songs are brought to the stage in new ways, enwrought into the storyline. I anticipated seeing the best (for me, personally) male voice on the West End again, Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), after knowing there were Backstreet Boys songs in it, where also dancing was required. Sadly, a cold bug had taken hold of him and also the female lead, Miriam Teak-Lee (Juliet), so I got to see Ivan de Freitas and Grace Mouat instead – WHAT A TREAT!
How to describe this show…well, basically, if you’re looking for the best and most entertaining night out on the West End – THIS IS DEFINITELY IT. The story is simple – what if Juliet never killed herself together with Romeo, but instead, decided to live and take her life and future into her own hands? And all this with the unmistakable soundtrack of the 90’s and 00’sĀ  and also some recent radio tracks added to the mix (Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Katy Perry & Demi Lovato, to only name some of them).
What comes out of that is a show that has the audience in fits of laughter, in bouts of tears, and mostly, dancing in their seats (and on their feet at the last track, “Can’t Stop The Feeling”!). The stage set is also one of the best and most beautiful I personally have seen anywhere recently, with a lot of love for detail, and the message – or rather, messageS – of the story are powerful and some of the best any theatre show could have come up with, picking up current issues in our society. And the Cast, you ask? They’re phenomenal in every regard – singing, acting AND dancing. Seeing them on stage, simply doing their everyday job, you can’t help smiling when they smile, feel sad when their situation seems hopeless, and feel relieved when everything is sorted out for everybody in the end.
This show DEFINITELY deserves to stay on the West End for a long, long time.

3.Ā “Dear Evan Hansen – Noel Coward Theatre 13.12.2019

This show…it was the one thing I had been looking forward to for about one and a half years, ever since I first listened to its Broadway Cast Recording and read the news that it would actually come to the West End. Along with “Hamilton”, that show is the one on the Broadway that it is near impossible to get tickets to – at least not the affordable kind of tickets. The anticipation for me therefor was HUGE in every regard…and boy, did that one not disappoint.
Where to begin…the story, maybe. It’s about a teenager with social anxiety who, with the help of a family friend, makes up a story of being friends with a schoolmate who commits suicide and in doing that, helps the grieving parents coping with their loss and changes things at his school and out in the Social Media world for the better, even if only for a short time.
There are not many words one could use to describe how PHENOMENAL every aspect of the show is, starting with the simple stage set, the small Cast (only 8 actors/roles) or the powerful message behind it. So I’m just going to talk about one single Cast member here, representative of maybe the BEST Cast the West End has to offer these days.

Sam Tutty.

This young man playing Evan Hansen is pure GOLD. The role of the anxiety-ridden teenager is so challenging, as it just has to be convincing even in the very last rows of the theatre, but Sam just does it as easily as he may eat his muesli in the morning. Never in my life have I witnessed something more convincing on a stage; you watch him do his thing, and you just can’t help BELIEVING it. Believing that off stage, Sam suffers the exact same anxieties that Evan does, even though that isn’t the case, of course. Every mimic and gesture, however small or big, is on point with him, and especially the movements of his hands is just out of this world. And his voice? Indescribably perfect. And funny enough, he sounds almost exactly like Ben Platt, who originated the role of Evan on Broadway.
The music that I’ve constantly listened to for over a year, was also giving me all the emotions that I had hoped and prayed for. I laughed, I cried, I had goosebumps, I was singing along silently to every line. What the band (that is positioned in the top left corner of the stage, so you can see them all throughout the show) did with their instruments and the tunes given to them is such a wonderful piece of music that it’s no surprise they got a ton of applause at the end, too. This entire show and its phenomenal Cast are just breathtaking, and like I said – maybe the BEST Cast that’s currently employed on the West End.

Three days, three shows – and every single one of them surpassed my expectations and proved once again why the West End and musical theatre in general have become such a huge part of my life in the past 7 years, and I am beyond grateful I had the opportunity to witness such a perfection and beautiful entertainment on 3 stages last week.

Until next time, London!

Not all who wander are lost.


Everyone has envied one or more of the friends in their life at some point during their years, for their better financial situation, relationship with their family, their partners, the places they go to on holiday and whatnot. I for one never was envious of people’s destinations. But the older you get, the view on life shifts without one even noticing it, maybe.

At the end of 2017, a friend of mine left Germany to spent one and a half years doing Work & Travel around New Zealand, and although I always had a soft spot for that beautiful country, I was happy for her, for getting that opportunity to find her place in life and, more importantly, herself. I got to spent some time with her again one and a half week ago when she was visiting her family here, and boy, did she find herself. That experience, that country…it changed her. She always had a bubbling personality, always had been someone easy to be around, and whose company you can’t help but love in your life. And I never thought it was possible to outdo that. I have never met anybody so happy, satisfied and confident in herself. So…glowing with a positivity that has no peer. With no worries about everyday life. And overall, so absolutely balanced as only someone can be who is happy within themselves, inside and out. When I saw this, and heard what she felt now in comparison to just 4 months ago, I felt like crying, so happy was I for her for finding her place in this world.

It was this positivity in and around her that I envy now, and that now makes my heart ache for the same experience. I envy the guts people like her have, and the risks they are willing to take to find true happiness and somewhere they belong. With no safety net around to catch them when they fall. What about a steady job? A house/flat/appartment that you always can go back to? A social security? Health insurance? Or basic stuff, like warm water, a cosy bed, food you know can stomach?

It’s because of these things that the wanderlust I’ve had for the past couple of years (and especially since one of my best friends took me to St. Abbs, Scotland, for my birthday last year) has worsened. I yearn for new places, yet I am hindering myself due to my fear of flying, or my financial situation. Everyone would say those are things you can get over with, if you just REALLY want them to change. And to some degree, I do agree. But in my head, I know that a life like my friend in New Zealand has now would never work for me. I am a safety person, I need assurance of a job that I will have, no matter what. I need an appartment which provides the basic needs a human has, in a clean and orderly environment. I need to know I can always go to a pharmacy or my doctor to get the various medications for my IBS, migraines, nausea and whatnot. I need the safe knowledge that when I wake up the next day, I know where I am going, that I do not need to worry about having to sleep on the street because I can’t afford a flat, or how to pay a doctor’s bill (worst case scenario).

The “live for the moment” thing by going abroad like said friend is something that I just feel would really help me, finding myself, being content with myself, because I’m confessing right here: I am not happy in myself and my life. I live everyday, I even have loads of good things happening to me, things I experience on my own or with friends, things that make life brighter. But you know when you sometimes feel like it’s just not enough, when you see how brave, content, and just fucking HAPPY some of your friends are? THAT. Sometimes, being happy for the good things that happen to people close to your heart is just not enough, and so hard. But you keep going. And admiring others for their courage, and wishing them nothing but true happiness in their journeys, even if you’re only ever the one at the window, waving.

But who knows – maybe some day, there will be a moment the switch in my brain is going to be flipped and boldness and courage to go out into the world, not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow, will be the only thing that matters, no matter the consequences. Maybe one day my fear of “not knowing” will be beaten by the bigger will to LIVE FULLY instead of just…functioning in society.

Caissie Levy Live At The Hippodrome 26.01.2013

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The Hippodrome Casino, in the middle of London, right on Leicester Square – what a venue. I’ve never been to a Casino in my entire life, so I really had no clue what to expect from this one, but I was taken aback when I first stepped foot in its big hall. The many poker tables, the lights, the people, the decoration…it was an amazing view to take in.
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We knew that the Concert would be in the Matcham Room, so we soon found our way up to the 2nd floor, where quite a few people were already queueing to get in. I was kind of bouncing off the walls, as I had just got out of seeing “Les MisĆ©rables” at the Queens Theatre, and the adrenalin was still rushing through my veins. And the fact that all of a sudden, Oliver Tompsett, and, shortly after him, Paul Ayres passed me and my friend standing at the Top of the Staircase, didn’t make it any better. They both looked so good, and I was so excited to see them on stage that night with Caissie Levy, though I had just seen Oli on stage at the Dominion the night before. It was actually pretty surreal, when I also saw Nathan Amzi crossing our way and entering the Matcham Room; that were so many West End Actors/Singers that I had no chance to actually realize what was happening here. And then that one thing happened that was totally killing me.
As I said, my friend Kim and me were standing at the Top pf the Staircase, and we both took in the scene around us, the people playing Poker and everything, and it was such a stimulus satiation, I can’t begin to explain it. At one moment, I was standing with my back to the Stairs, looking to the Bodyguards standing at the Entrance of the Matcham Room, when my friend suddenly said nothing more than “Stairs, Stairs, Stairs, RIGHT NOW!” I was confused for a second, believing there was someone of HER favourite West End people, but when I turned around, there he was, MY favourite West End person: Simon Lipkin. You have to know: when I was planning that weekend in London, I couldn’t even begin to imagine to be there and not going to see him at “Rock Of Ages”. Sadly, since they’ve moved the Show to The Garrick Theatre, the ticket prices have been increased and there were no day seats available anymore. And as I had already 3 Shows and that Concert in 2 days, I just couldn’t afford an expensive Stalls Ticket for RoA (because, come on: sitting in that Show for me means to sit in the Stalls, period). My heart was honestly bleeding, knowing I was in my favourite city and wouldn’t even get a glimpse of Simon, my favourite RoAdie, as there wasn’t even time to go to the Stage Door for a few minutes. And when it was clear I was going to see the Caissie Levy Concert with Oliver Tompsett & Paul Ayres as Special Guests, my heart was all like “Maybe Simon will be there, too, maybe he will be, who knows?” the entire day, while my rational head was all like “Stop daydreaming and hoping, why on earth would HE be there?!” So when my friend said this Stair thingy (knowing VERY well that he was my favourite, as I couldn’t stop talking about him), and I turned around and saw him coming up the Stairs, just one metre away from us, I was sheer speechless. I hope he didn’t notice it, but I wasn’t able to do anything than just standing there, staring at him passing us…and my mouth was gaping open widely. VERY widely. That had never happen to me before, and when I saw him walking all the way to the end of the queue, it was over for me. That was so surreal, seeing him – who I consider a star at the West End, sue me – just acting like a normal person, and he didn’t show any airs and graces at all, and I couldn’t help but fall even harder for him than I already had three months before. So from the moment me and my friend were taking our seats in The Matcham Room to the beginning of the Concert up to its end, my heart was pounding like crazy. Standing in the queue, I was turning around the entire time, just to get a glimpse of him, and when me and my friend had taken our seats infront of the Stage, my eyes were practically glued to the Entrance, hoping they’d get to see him. Guess I was telling myself that if that would happen, I’d bring up the courage to walk up to him and chat a bit or maybe get another hug and pic with him *lol* Instead, Nathan Amzi came through the entrance just before the show started, and he saw me and my friend looking at the “Les MisĆ©rables” Souvenir brochure we brought with us from the Theatre, smiling at us and giving us a thumbs up šŸ™‚
Well, then the Concert started, and what can I say? Everyone was just breathtakingly amazing. EVERYONE. Paul Ayres & Jenny Fitzpatrick sang “Lovebug Lives”, and then, Paul sang alone, “Out Of The Blue”. His voice was perfect in every way, and seeing him on stage so up close was amazing. Everytime he came to the higher notes, my skin was full of goosebumps; he was really, really great.
Sadly, when it was Oliver Tompsett’s turn to sing his solo, I hadn’t switched on my camera, so I don’t even know what his great song was called, only I remember that at first, it was a wonderful ballad, but after a while, turned out to a wonderful uptempo number. And of course, he was absolutely amazing; I totally fell for his voice when I had seen him in “Rock Of Ages” three months before, and he didn’t disappoint me ever since. He has that special thing in his voice that just makes your entire skin turn into massive goosebumps, your heart pounding like wild and your heart just wanting to melt and yourself? Well, it makes you squeak like a little child and feeling the urge to storm onto the Stage and give him massive hugs. He’s absolutely wonderful and the best West End Singer that there is right now.
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After that, the main person of that evening stepped onto to the stage, the breathtakingly beautiful Caissie Levy. I already knew her voice inside out from the “Ghost-The Musical” Cast Recording, but still, I was taken aback when I heard her singing live. She was absolutely amazing. Every note was perfect, there was nothing to complain about, and the songs that she presented from her new album were all so wonderful! (though I’m really not a ballad person unless I’m sad and lonely or sth). After a few songs – of which I totally fell with the beautiful “You Are The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me” -, Caissie called Oliver back onto the stage, and they both finally sang their duet together, the song “As Long As You’re Mine” from the Musical “Wicked”, where they had both worked together for quite a while, but somehow never sang together! The first take of that song was already amazing, but when everyone in the audience wanted to hear it a 2nd time, it was even better, as they started off with Oliver running off the Stage and Caissie calling him back up withĀ  compliments, pretending he hadn’t already been there just a few seconds ago, it was hilarious.
After the last song, wich was my absolute highlight – she sang “Without You” from “Ghost” live, it actually brought tears to my eyes because it was so beautiful and I felt like there was no way that anybody could sing that song more perfect and breathtaking, – the Concert already ended, which was really sad, as I had really enjoyed it. I actually wanted to get a picture with Caissie or Oliver or Paul or Simon or Nathan, or to have a chat, but somehow, that didn’t really work out that well, as I just didn’t want to intrude their private space that night (for me, it’s different to wait for them at the Stage Door, sue me). So after half an hour of walking around The Hippodrome, watching the people play Poker, Black Jack, etc., my friend and me finally made our way back to our hostel. And for me, that night was priceless, not only because of the stunning and amazing Concert, but also because my wish came true and I got to see Simon without even being at The Garrick! šŸ™‚
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Les MisĆ©rables (Queens Theatre) 26.01.2013

Alright, after we just had seen “Billy Elliot”, we hurried over to the Queens Theatre to see the last show of “Les MisĆ©rables” before the Cast Change, where Liam Tamne (as Enjolras) & Craig Mather (as Marius) would have their farewell show. What a night. I’ve never seen an actor on a stage cry during the very last song, but this night, it happened, and they totally touched me with it. But from the beginning.
As I’d never heard anything about the Musical, I went into it a bit sceptical; therefore, the ticket I had booked had its seat on the “balcony”, on the left to the stage – worst idea EVER. I could barely move my feet, I had to lean over almost the entire time (and still didn’t see everything) and everytime I moved, I touched the guy who sat on the right next to me, so that I thought he might actually start to think I did it on purpose.
When the show started, the first goosebumps found their way up my arms – “Look Down” was playing, and it was amazing! You have to know, I’ve never heard any song that is sung in that Musical, so I went in totally blank. Of course, there were a few songs that I really didn’t like (mostly the slow ones, I call them “Sad Songs”), but a lot that I thought were so amazing that I needed to somehow get them (Like “Do You Hear The People Sing”, “At The End Of The Day”, “Master Of The House”, “I Dreamed A Dream”, “Castle On A Cloud”). And though I honestly have to admit that I was a bit disappointed as I noticed that there is almost NONE word spoken in that show, but that it’s mostly done with singing voices, I also have to be honest to say that the voices themselves took my breath away. I can’t even tell you any specific actors/singers, because they were all just stunning. As my friends both had seen Liam Tamne in his role as Enjolras more than once, I was quite excited to hear him sing, and I really wasn’t disappointed at all. His voice was so perfect that night, and the way he’s in his role is really, really impressive; I know why everyone liked him so much and why it was so hard for most of the people in the audience to see him leave. Who also really found his way into my heart was Jake Poolman, who played the role of Gavroche that night. Such a lovely little boy, loved his voice, and especially his accent, and I was shocked when his death scene came. But as I said, I can’t give you specific names who was the most amazing, because everyone was breathtaking to me.
And just as the last song came on – “Do You Hear The People Sing”, I really didn’t know what was happening to me. The entire Cast was on stage and sang out of their lungs, and Liam & Craig – who enjoyed their last few minutes ever as Enjolras & Marius – were in the middle of them, slowly walking up to the front of the stage. And then it happened: I looked down to the stage, my eyes fixed on Liam, and I saw that he wasn’t even singing. The only thing I could see was that he was constantly swallowing. and that his gaze was fixed on some far away point at the ceiling of the Theatre, while everyone, including Craig, was singing their parts. And even from that high above, I could see that his eyes were wet, that he was having a real hard time to fight back the tears that just didn’t stop welling up in them. By then, it was over for me, and I had to fight back tears, too. It was heartbreaking, really. I’ve never been part of a “Farewell Show” before, so that was totally new to me, and it was so hard to see Liam cry on stage while the show was still running, to see the love he had for the show and his role, that he made me instantly cry, too. I just wanted to storm down there and give him massive consolation hugs! When the song was done, he, Craig and a few others that left that night were standing in the middle of a circle that the rest of the Cast had made for them, taking flowers that were given to him, and there, even Craig started crying. And even I, who wasn’t a fan of the show, as I’d only seen it it this one time, was touched by everything: the songs, the story, the actors, the effort to put up such an epic Musical, and, of course, to be an eyewitness to the atmosphere of a Cast Change.
Sadly, as my friend and I had a “Date” with the Hippodrome Casino just after the Show was over, we didn’t get the chance to go and see the actors at the Stage Door, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing, as the pics I would’ve taken with them might’ve come out pretty bad, due to my slightly red and puffy eyes.
All in all, I’m glad I did that show, and I’m honoured that I was allowed to be a part of Liam’s last Show. I hope that he and everyone else who left that night will find a role that they will love as much as they did theirs at the Queens Theatre. Great show, great actors, really worth watching!
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Billy Elliot (Victoria Palace) 26.01.2013

There I was at last, after resisting so long to see it. I’ve never seen the movie in my life nor had I ever been interested in watching it; I’m just not a Dance-Movie person, I guess. But as the tickets were so cheap for that day, I decided that nothing could go wrong if I’d give it a shot (moreover, I made my friend Kim really happy when I told her to book our tickets, that I’d join her…I’m such an amazing friend, haha).
First thing I noticed when we arrived at the Victoria Palace: the entire place around is under total construction and it’s not easy to find your way through. Second thing: that theatre hall was crowded, oh my! And among the people, so many children! The “bodyguards” at the door were quite well organized, though; they divided the people that came in into the ones who were collecting tickets and the ones who were only accompanying, which I found kind of good, as the entrance wouldn’t be so stuck with people standing around. When we got to our seats, I realized the stage was even higher than I had expected (we were sitting in the very first row and Kim had told me that the stage was quite high), so I “borrowed” a cushion that a kid got but didn’t use to sit a bit higher. When the show started, first thing on my mind: “Holy crap, they are cursing A LOT in here!” But it was amazing, I had a great laugh, and that was more than once. Our Billy that matinee was Harris Beattie, and not only was he really really cute, but he was also an amazing little actor, singer and dancer. He played his role perfectly, and I instantly liked him, and when I think back to that afternoon, I still think how blown away I was by his amazing dance moves. Joe Massey, who was playing Michael…I just have to say “Wow”. That kid is an exceptionally gifted and absolutely talented young man. What an act he played, I just can’t put it into words. At the end, when he sits on his bike, watching Billy leave, that gave me slight goosebumps. Really, they found a great kid for that role. Actually, everyone of the actors were amazing, and it’s a shame I never got to see the lovely Mr. Michael Peavoy, who I heard was amazing as Billy’s older brother. Though I have to say: Killian Donnelly, who we saw in that role, he was breathtaking, seriously. He played every single scene so really convincing…and it was funny, seeing him only one month later on the cinema screen in the “Les MisĆ©rables” movie! I honestly didn’t really like the songs, though, they just weren’t mine at all. The only ones I kinda liked were “Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher” and the song at the end, “Once We Were Kings”.
When the show was over, my friend and I were actually in kind of a hurry, but still, we went to the Stage Door to catch someone. The only one we actually caught (mostly because were found it kind of creepy to ask one of the kids for a picture and we couldn’t bring up the courage to ask Sergio Giacomelli for one LOL) was Deka Walmsley, who played Billy’s father in that matinee, and who was perfect and just amazing; I still have to grin when I think about that scene at the Dancing School, with the other father waiting for his son to finish his audition, that was just priceless.
Nevertheless, I’m actually really glad I went to that show, and I’d definitely go again – only, next time, on a seat where I can see at least the actors feet! šŸ˜‰

We Will Rock You (Dominion Theatre) 25.01.2013

The little Bohemian inside of me was back once again, and this time, thankfully, I wasn’t fangirling alone, as a friend of mine, Eszter, joined me (mostly because of Olly; she’s supposed to be the biggest Fan when it comes to him). When I had collected my ticket that day, I was already excited about the Cast Board, and I hoped it wouldn’t change when it came to who played Galileo: Oliver Tompsett.
Though at first I was a bit disappointed that my first (and so far, favourite) Scaramouche wasn’t on that day – Emma Hatton, – I wasn’t by the time that Rachael Wooding showed up on stage. She was absolutely amazing (though sometimes I had some difficulties to understand her british accent; sue me, I’m german LOL) and her voice was perfect that night, she made me shiver more than once, especially on her solo of “Somebody To Love”, where I, impatiently sitting on my seat, was waiting for that special part of the song almost at the end, where Scaramouche sings a long tone without breathing. And what can I say? Rachael killed it, and again I was starstrucked by how amazing someone can manage to hold a tone for more than just a few seconds. Very, very sadly, I never got the chance to tell her that myself, as I missed her at the Stage Door later that night, but I hope to do so the next time.
What I love most about the West End Performance of “We Will Rock You”? The fact that the Killer Queen and Commander Kashoggi – that night played by the beautiful and breathtaking Katie Paine and the again amazing Alasdair Harvey, – have that special connection with the audience, especially the ones who sit in the Stalls. A few times, when I saw Alasdair looking at me, I was always thinking that I was just imagining it. I mean: the guy wears sunglasses, and people with sunglasses ALWAYS irritate me LOL. But when at one moment of the show, he actually pointed and waved at me, I knew I wasn’t making anything up!
The other memorable moment: the wonderful and breathtaking Katie Paine. Holy cow, she killed me, sitting in the audience and hearing her voice being one of the best voices I’ve ever heard (and I heard Brenda Edwards in my first WWRY West End Show 3 months before, thinking she was the perfect singer/actress for that role!). And what you could see from the first second she set foot on stage: she loved being up there, she loved her job and everything that comes with it. She interacts with the audience, and I swear to God, she winked at me more than once, and I was like “Me? Do you really mean me or are you cross-eyed?” I was just so overwhelmed, that with everything around, the acting, the light show, the breathtaking singing, she still had time to take in the audience. And something about her made me completely forget about the way Brenda had played the role, just because she was so…perfect. She really was. And I actually really hope that the next time I’m going to be back at the Heartbreak Hotel, she’s going to be my Killer Queen again! šŸ™‚
A very special feeling got me as the Cast started to sing “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Oh. My. God. That was – apart from my 1st “Rock Of Ages” experience – by far the BEST thing I ever had the honour to be part of: THE ENTIRE AUDIENCE SANG ALONG as Oliver Tompsett sang the first verse of that song, and he even stopped singing at one moment, and the entire audience ended the sentence. I was speechless (okay, apart from singing inside like my heart was exploding out of sheer love for this show), and absolutely overwhelmed by this. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, and the whole room suddenly felt like a huge bohemian family. It was amazing. And the fact that Oliver was smiling THE ENTIRE TIME from “We Will Rock You” (when they found the guitar in the rock) to the end of “Bohemian Rhapsody” made this night absolutely perfect for me. He loves his role, there is no doubt about it. Actually, the entire Cast that I had the honour to watch on Stage that night, they all love their roles with all their hearts, and that is what really touched me that night, what touches me until today, almost 2 months later. And I think the Standing Ovations that night are speaking for themselves; they were the longest I’ve ever been part of.
After the show was over (which honestly always happens way too fast!), my friend Eszter and me found the perfect exit to get straight to the Stage Door, and there we waited for the actors. Actually, I wanted to meet all of them, if possible, but I was really sad when I realized I had missed Kevin Kennedy (Pop), Rachel John (Meat – god, what a voice, I always feel like crying and breaking down when she sings “Only The Good Die Young”, it’s so absolutely perfect, every single time!), Rachael Wooding (Scaramouche) and Alasdair Harvey (Kashoggi). It almost seems as if you just can’t have everyone, because when you talk to one, the other leaves if you have the bad luck and the alley behind the theatre is almost empty and no other fans are there to somehow keep them there for a few minutes. Luckily, I had the pleasure and honour to meet Oliver Tompsett, and he was just as I remembered him from the “Rock Of Ages” Stage Door: patient, kind, nice, always smiling and taking all his time to talk to you. My friend then gave him some chocolate from her home country Hungary, and somehow, he must’ve thought it was from me, too, because he thanked both of us and hugged both of us – oh, how I loved that moment, the Tompsett hug was so lovely and something I’ll always remember, because it was absolutely unexpected. If it was possible to love him any more, that was the moment it happened šŸ™‚
The next person I – thank God – caught at the Stage Door was the amazing Katie Paine. I have to admit, without my friend I’d probably missed her, as I’m terrible in recognizing the Cast Members outside without all their Make-Up, which probably is the main reason I always miss almost EVERYONE. But when I saw Katie talking to two other fans, I took all my courage and walked up to her (sorry to the girls, I guess I badly interrupted their conversation…), telling her how absolutely amazing the show was, how I loved it more than any other show, and that her performance was breathtaking. She was – as expected, super nice and lovely, and she then surprised me by telling us “You were the ones in the Stalls, weren’t you?” That was the moment I completely fell for her and became a huge fan of her as a person. I was so overwhelmed that I hadn’t imagined the winking during the show, and that she actually remembered me/us, of all the people in the audience, and especially in the Stalls. We talked for a few minutes (I guess I talk too much when I’m excited), and I told her that I definitely have to come back in July to see the show and her again, and after me and my friend both took our picture with her, she said “Bye, see you in July!”. And after that, there is no way around it, I have to come back in 4 months šŸ™‚ By the way, I absolutely LOVE our pic (I love all the pics of that night), and I normally hate every pic that is taken of me!
As my friend already wanted to go, I saw Wayne Robinson (Brit) coming out, preparing his bike to drive home, and before I could think again, I asked him if it was okay if we took a picture. He said “Yeah, of course!” and his smile was so super cute šŸ™‚ The entire man is so cute, I can’t even, and his performance of Brit that night was even more priceless than it had been 3 months before. DSCN2809
And that was it. I still can’t believe I was part of that Show that took my breath away once again. Give me any WWRY show in the West End at any day, and I gladly would come, no matter the price. I can’t imagine that show being gone one day, as it’s such a huge part of my life, especially since I’ve seen it at the beautiful Dominion Theatre.

London, Squirrels & Beautiful Architecture 27.01.2013

There I was again, in my favourite town, and sadly, all on my own, as my friend Kim had already left that morning. But after the entire morning was full of rain that didn’t seem to stop, it finally cleared, and though, out of the sun, it was quite chilly, the day became one of the most beautiful I could hope for. From Hyde Park, I slowly walked down all the way over Oxford Street with “Don’t Stop Believin'” from the “Rock Of Ages” Soundtrack in my ear all the time, blaring through my head like there was no tomorrow. And I’m not gonna lie, I was smiling from one ear to another, and I think I actually hopped over Oxford Street every now and then – the people must’ve thought I was totally insane šŸ˜€
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When I got to Piccadilly Circus, I thought that it was too nice outside to spent the time inside my hostel room until I had to go to the Cinema in the afternoon, so I decided to walk all the way to St. James Park, over to Buckingham Palace and back to Big Ben and the London Eye. The wind was quite strong, but the thought of the hazelnuts in my handbag made me smile like an idiot, as my plan was to go and feed the squirrels – best idea ever! They were the cutest things, and as soon as I stepped onto the grass and slowly walked up to them, they hopped all the way to me, and as I put a hazelnut on my hand, thye shortly sniffed, then took it and hopped away, crunching at the nut for a moment, then ran off and buried it somewhere in the earth. I also teased one of them, as I showed him/her the hazelnut, and when it came to me, held it high up, so the squirrel would stay longer and I’d get a better shot with my camera. What I didn’t consider was 1. that it had rained the entire morning, and the ground was sticky with mud and 2. that the squirrels don’t let you fool them. That specific one suddenly crawled up onto my right leg, clinged itself to my jeans and reached for the nut, and I finally gave in and gave it to him/her – only then I realized the mess it had done, because my jeans were a total mess, there were tiny mudprints all over my right leg. Still, I loved watching these little things running and hopping and crunching and climbing and could barely tell myself that I couldn’t stay here the entire day.
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After I pulled myself away from these cuties, I shortly walked over to Buckingham Palace, taking in all the beautiful plants and everything in St. James Park.
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I walked over to Big Ben – which I didn’t know was THAT close from where I stood. I suppose I stood there for about 15 minutes without moving, taking pictures with my IPhone, my Nikon Camera, and posted them to facebook and instagram. It was such an amazing feeling to just stand there, the wind blowing, the sun shining, all these people all around me, and just looking at one of the most beautiful architectural thingy there was, and at that moment I really wished I wasn’t alone but with one of my friends to appreciate it even more. Although it was my 2nd time in London, I still couldn’t believe it was real. Is it always like this as a tourist? I hope so, because it’s a beautiful feeling that always brings tears to my eyes. From Big Ben, it were just a few meters to the Bridge and the London Eye, and again, I bet I stood there about 15 minutes just staring at the wonderful and breathtaking scene. This might all seem pretty random to most people, but for someone who desperately wants out of her normal life in Germany, it means the world.
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This day had passed so fast, it was unbelievable, and before I noticed, it was time for me to get to the cinema – not before I paid Tesco’s a visit again, to buy chocolate for the last time, and also, some Yorkshire Tea for a friend of mine. After the cinema, I was pretty determined to find out where the Garrick Theatre was – home of my beloved “Rock Of Ages” Show. I knew it was somewhere behind Leicester Square, and I knew it couldn’t be that far away, and though it was already getting dark, and my last night in London had started, I didn’t want to go back to my hostel without having found it. Luckily, suddenly, I stood right infront of it, placed in a small side street a bit after Leicester Square, but easily reachable by foot, and after I saw what they had made of the Theatre, I knew I would be coming back for another RoA show šŸ™‚
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I love you, London ā™„

London 19.-24.09.2012

London…what a city.

I have to say: when it comes to planes and flying, I am the biggest fraidy-cat on this planet, which I probably will never get over with. So I never thought there was a chance I’d ever come to London in my entire life. But lucky for me, my friend Kim told me that there was a train connection from my hometown over Brussels to St. Pancras, London, which was quite cheap if I booked early enough. Well, said and done, and last September it was finally there, the day I’d get out of Germany for the first time on my own (with 26 years, you have to know!). When I stepped foot on the St. Pancras Platform, it was like a dream coming true. I’ve never been one to say she loved London that much, as I never really like the british accent as much as I do the american one, but that moment changed everything. At that moment I knew that London and I – that was a huge love for a lifetime!

Mostly, my few days there were for sightseeing, as I wanted to see just everything that was to see there (I also saw 3 Musicals, but I’ll make a separate post for that). And apart from St. Paul’s Cathedral, which we couldn’t manage to see, I really saw everything I had put on the agenda in my mind – London Eye, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, St. James Park, Buckingham Palace…and I just HAVE to say it: Big Ben and the Tower Bridge are honestly the two most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my entire life, I can’t even beging to describe these 2 beauties. I feel like I spent an entire SD Card on pictures of both of them, and an entire day just staring at them. I only hope the people living in London know how lucky they are with having something like that in their town.

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For these few days, me and my friend stayed at a hostel, the “Piccadilly Backpackers”, which is directly at Piccadilly Circus; you can’t seriously get any other hostel or hotel closer to the action. It’s…well, let’s just say, standard is something different. Of course, if you can’t afford much and you know you can’t expect a lot with less money, you can’t complain. Though I have to admit, after everything I read about it on the internet, after being quite scared about the hygiene there and everything, I was positively surprised. It was nicer and cleaner than I expected, and I’m not really one for needing any luxury. Moreover, instead of the booked 8-bed room, we got a 6-bed room…of course, we didn’t complain šŸ™‚ The showers could need some softening agents because the pressure is almost not existing, but I would always choose the Piccadilly Backpackers again, if I can’t afford anything more expensive and want to stay as close at all the action in London as possible.
London in general is just breathtaking, especially the people…okay, mostly the guys. I’ve never seen so many good-looking, and especially good-smelling guys in my entire life! It makes you want to run after each and every one, without even feeling guilty or like a stalker šŸ˜€ Also, London has to offer just the best Chocolate I’ve ever tasted in my entire life, “Cadbury Caramel”. Who does not like this, seriously has a problem. It’s quite expensive (I wouldn’t normally pay almost 3 pounds for 230g of chocolate!), but I would always choose it before every other chocolate. Also, almost the entire money I took with me for the few day landed in the cashiers of “Cool Britannia”. And no, I don’t regret any penny šŸ™‚
I was so stunned with everything I saw…it was actually pretty nice and funny as I stepped onto the street, and when I looked down, there was this tiny information that said “Look Left” or “Look Right”, which honestly can be pretty helpful when you’re from Germany and confused as into which direction to look in order to not get run over by a car šŸ™‚ (though my friend and me soon took over the british way of behaving: just a quick look in any direction, and straightly cross the street, though the redlight is still on…my sentence for the few days was always “We’re british!”) Then there was Oxford Street, which I only heard of, but never seen anything of it in my life, and I was sheer overwhelmed how long and huge it was; my friend and me drove into it in one of these popular red buses, and I loved sitting at the top, front, watching the street pass by, and the bus drivers driving as there was no tomorrow (the kind of driving they did would seriously get you killed here in Germany!)
Oh, and of course…! The SQUIRRELS IN ST. JAMES PARK!!!! Oh my god, how positively shocked I was when I realized they were like little house pets, straightly coming to you, sniffing at you to see if you got anything edible to offer! I was literally squeaking when I saw these cute little things running and hopping all around me, and I think I needed about one and a half hour for the short walk between the start of the park and Buckingham Palace, because I just had to stop every two meters to reach down to get one of the squirrels to come to me. And then there was the weirdest thing of the entire park: an old man, sitting on a simple bench, with his shopping bags right beside him. And right next to him, standing ON the bench, looking at him: A PELICAN! A real life, huge pelican, with his enormous, long beak pointing right into the old man’s face! And the man actually had the nerves to smile and wink at us! You don’t believe it? Here’s the proof:
It actually feels like I walked through entire London, shopped so much chocolate like I’ve never done before, spent way too much money on merchandise and souvenirs…and I loved every little bit of it!!!
So, after my first stay in London, it was quite hard to drive back to my hometown in Germany, and I suffered from a real Post-London-Depression for about 2 months, hating everything and everyone here, and wanting just out. But it was clear to me that I needed to come back as soon as possible.
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